Hi, I'm Brooke.
Founder of Higher Work, Thought Leader, Intuitive

Do you honestly believe that anything is possible?
Do you truthfully feel that you can bring your vision to life?
Do you intrinsically feel it within every cell of your body?

I’m going to be honest with you because that’s what it takes. There can be no room for doubt or uncertainty in your life. As the Hollywood life coach Tim Storey says, “Uncommon thoughts lead to an uncommon life.”

I’ve spent over 10,000 hours working with some of the brightest minds across the world from Los Angeles, New York, London, Melbourne and Sydney and they all share the same belief – anything is possible when you align your head, heart and soul.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Anything is possible when you align your head, heart and soul. @frombrooke” quote=”Anything is possible when you align your head, heart and soul.”]

So how do you find or rediscover that alignment after setbacks, perceived failures and challenges? How to you bring your un-lived life to life? Simple. You need to create the space for it to occur.

Let me explain.

A few years back I was poised to be the next big thing in the Australian Speaking Circuit. I successfully launched myself out into the arena and was making traction. In fact, I was doing seriously well on the outside but on in the inside, I felt like a fraud and failure. I wasn’t living an aligned life.

When you are actively seeking a life filled with real meaning and purpose there are no shortcuts to success. There are lucky breaks which are preceded by hours of preparation, strategy, visioning, meetings, lunches, dinners, coffees and chats. It takes years of networking and connections to bring a Legacy to life but it takes a minute to be inspired by your dream. And a dream is all you need to rediscover your purpose.

Each day I work with clients from across the world. I lead them forward and take them further than they thought possible. My role is to inspire and support them in bringing their internal genius to life. And even the most successful people in the world have challenges. No one is immune to this school called life.

In fact, there is never a one-size-fits-all approach to problem-solving, but when it comes to believing that anything is possible there is one absolute answer. Space. You need to create the space in your life for it to occur.

As human beings, we are hardwired to solve problems, but if you’re constantly looking outside of yourself you’ll never feel connected to your highest self. And it’s this connection that you’ll find the belief that you’re looking for.

If you’re going through a challenging time right now or struggling to move forward you need to create more white space in your life.

[clickToTweet tweet=”You need to create more white space in your life. @frombrooke” quote=”You need to create more white space in your life.”]

Most of us completely underestimate the power of white space – thinking that we need to cram our days with action in order to find what we are looking for when in fact we need to do the opposite. I know it might feel counter-intuitive to completely stop. But that’s EXACTLY what you need to do. You will never be able to move forward with momentum and clarity unless you clear the decks first.

If you’re looking for inspiration here are a list of things for you to start doing to reawaken your passion and believe that truly anything is possible.

  • Join the 5:00am club and wake up earlier.
  • Create your own morning routine.
  • Make an appointment with a nutritionist.
  • Get a haircut (yes sometimes it’s that simple).
  • Reconnect with yourself and unpack your highest values.
  • Write a new vision statement for your life and business.
  • Work through the 7 key areas of life – Spiritual, Mind, Physical, Financial, Social, Family and Career. I love what Dr. John Demartini says about this:

“There are 7 areas in your life that you are here to master: your spiritual quest, your mind, career, family, financial, social and physical. Seeing as there are 7 days in the week, make one of these 7 areas your primary focus for each day and raise the bar in each of these areas one day at a time. This way, improving your life becomes a “one in a day at time” kind of game without it seeming like too much effort.”

  • Purchase a new notebook, map out new plans and throw out your old ones!
  • Meditate.
  • Take a break, get on a plane, just go somewhere.
  • Work with a coach.
  • Listen to inspirational podcasts.
  • Work with a kinesiologist.
  • Book a massage.
  • Disconnect and go for a walk in nature.
  • Change the one habit you know will make the biggest difference.

Go beyond the ceiling you have created in your life. Most of us live within the 8 Foot ceilings in our homes – move beyond the boundaries you’ve created in your mind. Move beyond your past, move into your future with certainty, momentum and action and believe that truly anything is possible in your life.


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Thought leader, intuitive, speaker, mentor, writer, and founder of
Higher Work.

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