Hi, I'm Brooke.
Founder of Higher Work, Thought Leader, Intuitive

Back in my late 20’s I was running my own brand and design agency and I was becoming more and more depressed. As the story often goes – my life looked great on the outside, but on the inside I was hurting.

I started my first business when I was 22. Hungry and eager with a burning desire to make something of myself. I set about creating a business that I thought would make me money and bring my talents to life. Six years in I had a great creative space, a new car, staff and I was living in a prestigious apartment in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs with sweeping views across the harbour. I should have felt excited and exhilarated by what I had achieved. Instead I felt depressed, stuck and alone on my entrepreneurial journey.

I decided to seek out some guidance from a spiritual advisor after having a series of incredibly lucid dreams. The truth was my dreams were starting to scare me a little. I recall one particular night I was caught in a circus tent full of mirrors. You know the ones that distort your features. I can still recall the feeling of the dream. I was like a Lion prancing around the tent, caught in the illusion of the life I had created and the reflection in the mirror wasn’t pretty, literally! Pretty prophetic huh?

I decided to seek help and arranged to meet with this woman. Her exorbitant hourly rate was disregarded, as I was so desperate for guidance. I recall feeling like the Lion in the cage that day and told her as much. She replied, “Why the hurry? You have your whole life to explore who you really are.”

To be honest her answer pulled me up. I’ve ALWAYS been in a hurry. A hurry to move FORWARD to ACHIEVE. To be RECOGNISED. To be VALIDATED. I thought to myself, ‘This woman doesn’t know ME.’

The reading continued. Tears ensued and I left with a copy of her meditation CD’s. (Which incidentally I never used, I was in too much of a hurry.)

If I could go back to that day, and the roles were reversed this is the message I would have shared with my younger self.

  1. You must be willing to the work, but the work Brooke is different for everybody. And you need to find the work that is right for you.
  2. There are three types of work that you will need to focus on to find your highest purpose. These are: The Outer Work, The Inner Work and The Higher Work.
  3. As you do the work you will be guided along YOUR path. Everyone has a different journey on earth, however the process is the same for all.

[clickToTweet tweet=”You must be willing to do the work, and you need to find the work that is right for you – Brooke Alexander” quote=”You must be willing to do the work, but the work is different for everybody. And you need to find the work that is right for you.”]

Now think about your own life. How much work have you done? I am sure you have done plenty of paid work. And you have received money in exchange for your time and skills. But have you ever done outer work, inner work and higher work simultaneously?

These days there are thousands of people prophesying about higher work. Meditation and prayer and mindfulness are wonderful but without doing the outer or inner work combined with the higher work. You will never find come into alignment, find your true purpose and honour your calling.

Each of us have a role to fulfill on earth and it’s up to each of us to do the work that will enable all of us to live our highest purpose.

Next year I will be taking a small group through this work and if you are interested in joining us in the new year I would love to talk to you. Send me a message via the contact form and we can open up a conversation about connecting you to your highest purpose here on earth.

Thank you so much for being here. I am thrilled that we are on this journey together. Do you or have you ever experienced lucid dreams? Worked with a Spiritual Advisor? I’d love to hear from you!  Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Hundreds of people visit these posts each week and you never know when your wisdom could be exactly what another person needs to hear!



Comments +

  1. Katrina says:

    I wish I new the date of this article. It say “next year” but I am uncertain how old or new this article is. If it is 2024, I am curious to learn more.

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Thought leader, intuitive, speaker, mentor, writer, and founder of
Higher Work.

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