Welcome to Your Higher Life!
A new look for a new year, January 1. The first day, a fresh chapter.
After the whirlwind of 2024, January feels like a welcome reprieve. A chance to settle back into reality. Sunrise Walks. Routine. Meditative Practice.
Late last year, as I contemplated my plans for 2025, I was struck by an unexpected feeling. I realised after a year of massive action and growth I had stopped what I call “higher thinking.” I was immersed in “lower, negative thoughts.”
“Another year gone. Will this new one be the same?”
This awareness which came to me while meditating made me realise the importance of positive thinking. A higher way of thinking that allows us to move through the coming year with power, grace and gratitude and provide the tools we need to survive in today’s world.
So I set about creating this new newsletter that could spark your Higher Life.
This year every week I will be sharing with you ways in which you can elevate your Being and come into alignment with your own power, purpose and potential at this time on earth.
We all need some extra encouragement and support so this is my gift to you.
We are all in this together.
One Higher Thought
So let’s make a start.
January should be a month infused with Higher Thinking.
Taking aligned action (aka goal setting) comes down to two parts. One part is dealing with reality. Accepting what is. The second involves your imagination. Dreaming of what could be.This is not only the dance of actualisation. It’s any dance of co-creation, manifestation, planning or action. And today, along with millions of others worldwide you will feel the collective energy created by those thoughts.
We forget the power of effective thinking and higher thoughts. For without them the “monkey mind” will do its best to self regulate itself with a regurgitation of emotional (cue unhelpful) beliefs. e.g. You’re not good enough, wealthy enough, smart enough etc. These emotionally skewed ideas could cloud your reality and prevent you from overcoming your difficulties. The problem? You have preconceived (incorrect) notions of the way your world or life should or could be.
The good news is, when you choose a higher thought you will understand what your feelings or emotions truly represent.
In my case late last year when feelings of nostalgia and grief arose I realised they represented a moment of truth. I was forced to embrace reality. The way it actually was and still is.
When you choose a Higher thought you intrinsically accept the truth. Then and only then can you make meaningful change and progress in the direction that you choose.
One step at a time.
One Higher Quote
As Naval Ravikant said, “You can only make progress when you’re starting with the truth.”
Reflect: Then consider sharing this thought with others
Today as you begin to plan and think about your year, Start with the truth.
Two Higher Questions
Changing and improving any part of your life requires you to: release a part of yourself and replace it with a newer better part of yourself. So this week as you release the past and ready yourself to receive the future ask yourself these Two Higher Questions.
1. What thought or belief do you need to release?
2. What thought or belief do you need to embrace?
Recommended: Use these as journaling prompts for the year ahead.
Three Higher Actions
1. Hydrate
Keep a bottle of water next to your bed. Drink the entire bottle as soon as you wake up. Then refill it and carry it with it to your desk.
Your brain can’t run efficiently when you’re dehydrated! And you’re WAY more likely to stay hydrated by literally just keeping water near you.
2. Get better sleep
Sleep isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s a crucial process that allows the brain to fully restore. It’s essential for focus, memory and learning.
Create a nightly shutdown routine:
- Avoid caffeine after 12pm
- Avoid screens (bluelight) 2 hours before bed
- Charge your phone outside of your bedroom (and buy a physical alarm) when you wake up you won’t be as easily tempted to roll over, grab it from your nightstand, and scroll.
Remember the best “life hack” is 8 hours of deep rest.
3. Get sunlight before screen light.
As Andrew Huberman says. It will immediately make you feel more alert and energized. He explains this “will also positively influence your immune system, metabolism and ability to focus during the day.”
Your Higher Life
What is one truth, that if you accepted would change your life today?
Remember: You can only make progress when you start with the truth.
As always, send your Higher Thoughts to me by simply replying to this email.
Until next week,
P.S. Don’t underestimate the energy and frequency of Higher Thoughts. As millions of people across the globe start setting goals, resolutions, plans, and intentions. This kind of collective thinking has power. More power than most of us realise. Tune into the truth of that reality and invite Higher Thinking into your world.
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