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Here you'll find all my articles, designed to help you find your Higher Work and live a more meaningful Higher Life.



The Higher Life with Brooke Alexander

In honour of the recent fires rolling across Los Angeles I wanted to share a higher thought on how we can allow our emotions to guide us when faced with extraordinary events. If you’ve ever read the Bible, you’ll know that challenge and hardship is a theme written on nearly every page. A reality echoed […]

The Higher Life with Brooke Alexander

Instead of a rigid resolution, or specific goal, your word of the year is a simple and grounding anchor. Designed to tether your energy and support your vision and plans.  When those inevitable lower moments arise “your word” will magically give you the wisdom and courage you need to move forward.

The Higher Life with Brooke Alexander

When you choose a Higher thought you intrinsically accept the truth. Then and only then can you make meaningful change and progress in the direction that you choose. 

Brooke Alexander, Founder Higher Work

The methodology I’m sharing today has been specifically designed to move your mind into a state of expanded awareness, where anything is possible. Embody it, and you’ll find that creating change is easier, taking inspired action feels natural, and setbacks no longer derail you. If you can imagine what it feels like to move through a vortex into another dimension, this is it.  Once experienced you’ll understand what truly is possible in your life and perhaps most importantly how to evolve consciously through it.

We’ve all been there before. You wake up to feel the tender hooks of anxiety prod you awake. You don’t want to wake up, but you know you have to rise and face the day. You roll over. Your thoughts scatter as you feel the sheet rise and then settle back down gently. But just […]

sad girl breakfast cafe window glass

Today I want to talk to you about something really important. It’s something that has the power to derail you, your plans and your life. Yes. It’s that important. We’re all guilty of it. If you tell me that you’ve never suffered from it, I won’t believe it. You and I may call it different […]

Do you honestly believe that anything is possible? Do you truthfully feel that you can bring your vision to life? Do you intrinsically feel it within every cell of your body? I’m going to be honest with you because that’s what it takes. There can be no room for doubt or uncertainty in your life. As […]

There’s a dark side to pursuing a life with real meaning and purpose. And few people talk about. It appears when you’re dreams aren’t coming to life. When your goals are still “out there.” When you’re waiting for that sense of achievement to arrive. And instead of being excited and inspired by your aspirations you’re […]

Girl Morning Routine

For years I dreamt about having a morning routine. Some of the most successful people in the world have championed their morning routine as the secret to their success. In recent years the rekindling of ancient practices have seen people from all walks of life begin their morning with meditation or an act of mindfulness such […]

Back in my late 20’s I was running my own brand and design agency and I was becoming more and more depressed. As the story often goes – my life looked great on the outside, but on the inside I was hurting. I started my first business when I was 22. Hungry and eager with a […]


Thought leader, intuitive, speaker, mentor, writer, and founder of
Higher Work.

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